.Australian Poetry, based at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne, acknowledges the custodians and owners of the land, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future and acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.

BoAP22 cover

Nam Le at Sydney Writers’ Festival

  Fifteen years after his award-winning collection of stories, The Boat, Nam Le returns to his great themes of identity and representation in a breakthrough book of poetry. 36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem, says Nam, a Vietnamese refugee to Australia, is “the...

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For the second year in a row, in our current annual AP SubscriberDrive 2023, each and every new or renewing Subscription, received up to and including 8th of January, will receive a SECOND free one-year AP Digital Subscription for you to give to another nominated...

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the tears
    the pelicans are leaving us like a line of words
 quicker than

the tongue drift glide sail waft fly   
fly away 
 something happened here.

     —  ‘Flight FeathersEllen Van Neerven

AP @ Toolkits 2023. Call-out open

What is poetry? What makes it different from other forms of art and writing? How do I write and publish my own poems? Express Media, in partnership with Australian Poetry, is pleased to announce Toolkits: Poetry – an online course in the forms, functions, histories...

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Announcing Best of Australian Poems 2023

In 2021 Australian Poetry (AP) began a new annual series surveying and showcasing the flourishing literature of Australian poetry. Our 2023 volume follows the first two prestigious volumes of Best of Australian Poems (BoAP) with guest editors for 2023 being highly...

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Announcing the Winner of the 2022 Anne Elder Award

  The co-winners of the 2022 Anne Elder Award are Harry Reid with Leave Me Alone (Cordite Books, 2022) and Theodore Ell with Beginning In Sight (RWP, 2022).       Thank you also to our judges this year – Gig Ryan, Ella Jeffery and Marjan...

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Nam Le at Sydney Writers’ Festival

  Fifteen years after his award-winning collection of stories, The Boat, Nam Le returns to his great themes of identity and representation in a breakthrough book of poetry. 36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem, says Nam, a Vietnamese refugee to Australia, is “the...

Do Not Go Gentle – Poetry Night

In his famous poem, Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, Dylan Thomas exhorted us to ‘rage against the dying of the light’. In these troubled times, it can seem, however, as though the shadows only lengthen. How can poetry be a form of defiance in the face of our...

AP @ EWF @ ‘coven’

How does magic infuse itself into the written word and into the lives of writers? What are the connections between poetic and magical practices? Hear poems from a line-up of artists weaving their practices of writing and magic together. Australian Poetry acknowledges...

La Mama Poetica – June

La Mama Poetica will be held on Tues, 14th June at 7.30pm at the La Mama Courthouse Theatre, featuring Michael Farrell, Hasib Hourani, Melinda Bufton and Jacqui Malins. Theatre and livestream tickets available. Auslan interpreted. Bookings can be made...

AP @ SWF 2022

With an unexpected turn of phrase or lyrical twist, poetry can surprise, thrill and invite readers to make meaning from between the lines. Hear from acclaimed Australian artists and writers Maxine Beneba Clarke and Omar Musa as they discuss their electrifying new...

AP @ QPF 2022

We are thrilled to be partnering with Queensland Poetry Festival for three wonderful 'Poet to Poet' events this year! Head to their website to find out more: Poet to Poet — 2022 Tickets — Queensland Poetry (qldpoetry.org)

Poetry Reading: Asiel Adán Sánchez at Readings Carlton

Wed 20 Apr 2022 at 6:30pm Readings Carlton — Woiworung Country, 309 Lygon St, Carlton, Victoria, 3053   m//otherland is a literary debut that cradles the intimacies of longing and love for a country torn apart by distance, violence and desire. In the tradition of...

Launch – LK Holt ‘Capacity’

After being scheduled and then cancelled last year due to the Delta outbreak, we're pleased to have the chance to join the wonderful team at the Alderman to celebrate the release of LK Holt's Capacity. Combining the twenty-six wild and precise love poems of 'Modern...

Geoff’s Poetry at Smith’s – Mon Apr 4th

The latest in Geoff Page's monthly reading series features Peter Goldsworthy and Martin Dolan. Peter Goldsworthy is a doctor and award-winning novelist, short story writer and librettist - as well as a poet. Goldsworthy’s first collection of poetry won the...

APA Vol. 9 WA Launch! Online

We are thrilled to bring you the online launch of the Australian Poetry Anthology Vol. 9! Hosted by guest editors Lucy Dougan and Michelle Cahill, the event will kick off on March 21st at 5:30pm Perth time both via Zoom and Facebook livestream. Check back here on the...

NAHR / AP Northern Italian eco-residency for 2023

              Announcing the Australian Poetry & NAHR Eco-Poetry Fellowship 2023, Four weeks, June 2023 The theme is AIR In partnership with the Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), Australian Poetry is once again pleased...

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