Commencement Dates:
Inferno Part 1: Week beginning 17 July
Inferno Part 2: Week beginning 17 July (Part 2 is a continuation of Part 1 and assumes prior knowledge of Inferno)
Dante Alighieri Society Office, 308 Drummond Street, Carlton
$250 for 10 sessions (1hr 30min per session)
Expressions of interest:
For afternoon (3pm-4.30pm) or evening courses (6pm-7.30pm) on either Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Classes will run subject to participant numbers; make sure to RSVP
Dr Simon West is a poet and Italianist. He is the author of three volumes of poetry and an edition on the Italian poet Guido Cavalcanti. His most recent book The Ladder, published by Puncher & Wattmann, was shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards in 2016. He completed his PhD on poetry and translation at the University of Melbourne where it was awarded the Chancellor’s prize. He has taught Dante’s Divine Comedy for over ten years at the University of Melbourne to many enthusiastic students.
For further information and expressions of interest please contact the Dante Alighieri Society Melbourne: 9349 1143