GOLFO Magazine is open for submissions – a ragtag, small and colourful poetry magazine based in Barcelona; edited by Will Druce, Alex Harrington and Lewie Magarshack.

GOLFO magazine is constructed  based upon a process of association. The editors place the poems within sections that are dedicated to a primary colour – the primary colour that the editors decide they associate the text with the most. Each editor takes care of a section and we do our best to make the poems in each section breathe together.

GOLFO celebrates most: work that is at play, work that counters or reinterprets poetic norms, work that functions to go against the grain of in-flux counter-cultures while also being born out of them. GOLFO especially love the colloquial, the idiomatic and slang-based nomenclature.

Submissions close 10th of February.

Send all submissions, preferably in PDF format to
Please keep the maximum number of poems sent to 3 – we will accept simultaneous submissions so long as we are duly notified.